Book a session
Start your sensory profile assessment NOW!
Sensory Assessments help to determine an individual’s sensory preferences and provide recommendations to assist individuals in maintaining optimal levels of arousal to support occupation and engagement. Our Occupational Therapist will use the standardised assessment, Sensory Profile Screening to help understand an individual’s sensory preferences and needs and will provide a report detailing the findings and recommendations to assist with planning for the person with sensory support needs.
Included with this purchase:
Sensory Profile Summary Report
Recommendations and strategies
45 minute follow-up call
Once you have booked with us, you will be sent a questionnaire to gather all the information needed to complete your report.
You will receive your report via email within 10 working days after submitting the questionnaires. Please note, that we process reports in order of questionnaire receipt, not payment order. There is no option to speed up this process.